About Us
Candice Levine is a maker of things who hails from Toronto. In the (early) 90’s Candice earned a B.A. in philosophy from the University of Western Ontario and a degree in Fashion Design from Parsons School of Design, NYC.
We make clothes & underwear that are a joy to wear, slightly obnoxious, and seriously comfortable. Feel good about yourself from the inside out. And if you happen to dance around the kitchen in your underwear, all the better. Creating clothes for you to love has been, and continues to be, an honour for this Canadian artist-entrepreneur-mom-school Arts Council volunteer-etc. Many hats are worn in a day, and also always a scarf.
Candice’s 2 young sons try to help, mostly by requesting Blue Jays and Maple Leafs themed underwear. You might see them pretending to work at the booth at the One of a Kind show.
Most days you'll find Candice in her Ronscessvalles studio with the radio stuck on CBC or the cd player (a what?) blaring Rheostatics or the Hip.
Everything we do is made start to finish in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Thanks!